2025 is your year to buy a home.
Here's how

 Empowering seniors every step of the way.


Canadian Geriatrics Society

The Canadian Geriatrics Society has over 500 members representing Specialists in Geriatric Medicine, Medical Students and Residents, and other physicians and members of allied health professions with an interest in the health care of older adults.

Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario (OACAO)

OACAO has a network of community-based older adult centres that offer unique social activities, learning and education opportunities, and recreation programs.

Community and Home Assistance for Seniors

A social service agency that delivers quality care, service, and innovation, while enhancing the independence of older adults living at home.

Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

Information on how to prevent elder abuse and what to do if you experience, have experienced, or know someone who has or is experiencing abuse of any kind.


Central Local Health Integration Network (Central LHIN)

Information on how to prevent elder abuse and what to do if you experience, have experienced, or know someone who has or is experiencing abuse of any kind.

Information on Nursing Home Abuse

A social service agency that provides various resources for those who are deemed palliative and for those caring for those individuals (caregivers, spouses, children, grandchildren, relatives, and medical team).


Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO)

A social service agency that provides various resources for those who are deemed palliative and for those caring for those individuals (caregivers, spouses, children, grandchildren, relatives, and medical team).


Guaranteed Income Supplement

Monthly payment is available to low-income Old Age Security pensioners.

Canada Pension Plan

Monthly, taxable benefit that replaces part of your income when you retire.

Old Age Security

A monthly payment you can get if you are 65 and older.

Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant

Up to $500 for each eligible household to help offset property taxes if you own your own home.

Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit

This is a temporary, refundable personal income tax credit that can help you with renovations to make your home safer and more accessible, helping you stay in your home longer. You are eligible if you are a senior 65+ or if you are someone who has senior relatives living with you. The credit is worth 25% of up to $10,000 in eligible expenses for a senior’s principal residence in Ontario (the maximum credit is $2,500). This credit is available for the 2021 and 2022 tax years. Up to $500 for each eligible household to help offset property taxes if you own your own home.

Ontario Seniors' Care at Home Tax Credit

This refundable personal income tax credit helps low- to moderate-income seniors 70+ with eligible medical expenses to help them stay in their homes longer.

Seniors' Public Transit Tax Credit

This refundable tax credit allows Ontarians 65+ to claim up to $3,000 in eligible public transit expenses and receive up to $450 each year.

Ontario Electricity Support Program

The program lowers electricity bills for lower-income households. The OESP provides a monthly credit to eligible customers based on household income and household size.


Low Income Energy Assistance Program

Low-income customers can get up to $500 in emergency assistance for their electricity bills ($600 if your home is heated electrically) and $500 for their natural gas bills. Contact a social service or government agency.

Canadian Benefits Finder

The Benefits Finder is a tool that can help you find Benefits and Services that you may be eligible to receive. It asks a few questions and uses your answers to search.

Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS)

A provincial program that ensures a guaranteed minimum income for qualifying Ontario senior citizens. You may be eligible if you are an Ontario resident, 65 years of age or older who is receiving OAS and GIS benefits, and has a total income below the level guaranteed by the province.

Lifelong Learning Plan

This plan allows you to take up to $10,000 in a calendar year from your RRSPs to pay for training or education for you or your spouse/common-law partner. When you withdraw funds for this purpose, you have up to 10 years to repay the amount back into your RRSP. Students must have completed an educational program before the end of the year in which they turn 71.

Home & Vehicle Modification Program

Run by the Ontario March of Dimes, this program provides funding for basic home and/or vehicle modifications so that people with mobility restrictions can continue to live safely in their homes and participate in their communities. 

Canadian Government Services For Seniors Guide (PDF)

A guide to Government of Canada services for seniors and their families.

Canadian Taxes When You Retire Or Turn 65

Types of income you may receive when you retire or turn 65 years old. How to pay income tax or other additional tax. How to reduce the tax you owe. How your taxes are affected when living abroad.

OmbudService For Life And Health Insurance

OmbudService For Life and Health Insurance's online resource for submitting a life or health insurance complaint for a free, independent review of the complaint.


Canada's National Seniors' Advocacy Organization.

Ministry for Seniors & Accessibility

Helping seniors and people with disabilities stay independent, active, and socially connected. We are also helping seniors stay safe, and making Ontario more accessible for everyone and promoting the benefits of age-diverse, accessible workplaces and communities where everyone is able to participate.


Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE)

Some hospitals and health authorities have developed diagnostic tools to help healthcare professionals identify elder abuse.

Active Living

15-Minute Workout For Older Adults

This 15-minute exercise video for older adults features a warm-up, strength, flexibility, and balance exercises; and a cool down. Learn more about the benefits of staying active as you age. ALERT: consult your doctor prior to engaging in any exercise program.


Get information and referrals to community, government, social, and health services, including mental health resources, across Ontario.

Public Libraries

Ontario’s extensive public and First Nations library services provide many services to seniors and their families in a welcoming, accessible, and friendly environment.

Seniors' Active Living Centers

Seniors Active Living Centre programs offer social, cultural, learning, and recreational programs for seniors.

Ontario Senior Games

Also known as the Ontario 55+ summer games and the Ontario 55+ winter games, the Ontario senior games include multi-event provincial competitions for older adults with the opportunity to increase social interaction, and maintain and enhance physical and mental well-being through participation in recreational activities and sports.

Assistive Devices Program

This 15-minute exercise video for older adults features a warm-up, strength, flexibility, and balance exercises; and a cool down. Learn more about the benefits of staying active as you age. ALERT: consult your doctor prior to engaging in any exercise program.

Canada’s Food Guide Healthy Eating For Seniors

Healthy eating is a key part of aging well. It is a way for you to stay healthy and strong, which is important to maintain your independence and quality of life.

Canadian Dental Care Plan For Seniors

The Canadian Dental Care Plan will help ease financial barriers to accessing oral health care for eligible Canadian seniors who do not have access to dental insurance.

Seated Exercises For Older Adults

VIDEO: This video includes both balance and strengthening exercises, which can prevent falls and hip fractures. This video is appropriate for those older adults who cannot stand or who need support when standing. ALERT: consult your doctor before engaging in any exercise program.

Mental Health

Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health

A list of support lines for seniors living in Canada to help with mental health and feelings of being isolated.


The Life Institute

The Life Institute helps adults 50 plus pursue their passion for lifelong learning through a wide range of educational courses and activities offered through continuing education at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Ontario Volunteer Centre Network

This organization helps to bring volunteers and agencies together and acts as the provincial voice for volunteer centres in Ontario.

Red Cross

The Canadian Red Cross offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities, from helping during emergencies and disasters, to sitting on committees or providing customer service and office support.

United Way

Volunteers can contribute time, expertise, and talent to help improve their community.

Volunteer Canada

This bilingual, non-profit organization promotes volunteerism across Canada by encouraging community participation and recognizing volunteer efforts.

Ontario Corps

Ontario Corps harnesses the goodwill and civic pride of Ontarians by pooling volunteers to help communities during emergencies and supports emergency volunteer response efforts by partnering with: provincial ministries, municipalities, First Nations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community groups.

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